
Virtual Interior Design Consultation

Whether you're seeking a fresh perspective, simple solutions, or a creative sound board, our virtual consultation is here to help you elevate your space without the commitment of full interior design services.


Booking Details:

The $250 rate is for a studio or one bed-room apartment. 

Please note that the $250 payment is non-refundable. Rescheduling must be done at least 6 hours before our scheduled call.

What we need from you at least a week before our call:

Please email with the following information: 

Your First and Last Name

Your Location (City, State)

Photos & a Video of your space. 

A small description of what pieces you’re keeping/getting rid of, any problem areas in your space

Tell me about you! What do you do for work? What activities are you into? Who do you live with? Do you have pets? How do you like to use your space? Do you host your friends often? Anything and everything you think we should know before brainstorming for your space.